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International Week 2015

June 8th  –  12th, 2015

Transition in Education, Inclusion, Research

As you know in education, the term transition refers to the four major points in the education system: when students move from elementary school to middle school, from middle school to high school, from high school to college/university and from college/university into the working world. While students experience other “transitions” during their educational journey - such as advancing from one grade level to the next - the four major points are a particular focus of educators and school reformers because transitioning students often experience significant academic, social, emotional, physical, or developmental changes that may undesirably affect their educational performance. At PH NÖ our researchers have specialized on topics like early school leavers, Neet’s (Not in Education, Employment or Training), Girls in science, Language competence for successful passages which also refer to the topic of transition in education.    -   Program International Week 2015.pdf

Monday June, 8th

Andreas Bieringer (Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich): Transition and Education at Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich  PPT Bieringer.pdf
Pascal Perilo (Suor Orsola Benincasa University Naples, Italy): Internship and Vocational Guidance Counselling  PPT Perilo.pdf
Nancy Heilbronner (Mercy College New York, USA): The Pink and the Blue: Separating Myth from Fact in Gender Research  PPT Heilbronner.pdf
Olga DeJesus (Mercy College New York, USA): Helping Adult English Language Learners Transition into Postsecondary Education
Vilmos Vass (University of Applied Sciences Budapest, Hungary): The Transition of Creativity in Education

Tuesday June, 9th
Webseite Pädagogische Hochschule Wien   
Podcasts Pädagogische Hochschule Wien 

Wednesday June, 10th
Wendy Mages (Mercy College New York, USA): Drama in Early Childhood
Joyce Coppin and Linda Ochser (Mercy College New York, USA): Making Effective Cognitive Shifts and Transitions from Teacher to Administrator: Emotionally, Socially, and Professionally PPT Coppin_Ochser.pdf
Maruca Fabry and Sofie Vercauteren (Karel de Grote-Hogeschool Belgium): GOAL-Experiment to Improve the Academic Performance of Bachelor Students  PPT Fabry_Vercauteren.pdf
Zsuzsanna Szilvási (Kaposvár University, Hungary): Foreign Language Teaching and Learning at the Different Educational Levels. Aims and Effectiveness   PPT Szilvasi.pdf
Bernadette Nagyházi (Kaposvár University, Hungary): From School to the Working World. What the Teacher Trainees Expect?  PPT Nagyházi.pdf
Witold Wolny (University of Virginia's College Wise, USA): Global Education and International Programs in the USA: Recent Trends and Perspectives  PPT Wolny.pdf
Orsolya Richter (Eötvos József College Baja, Hungary): Failures and Successes of ‘Bridging’ Programs in South Africa

Thursday June, 11th
Maria-Luise Braunsteiner, Irmgard Bernhard, Stefan Germany, Roswitha Lebzelter, Claudia Rauch (Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich): Inclusive Higher Education  PPT Bernhard_u.a.pdf