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Course: Children decode messages

Language - media - art

Admission requirements

STEOP, at least 100 ECTS-CP

Semester: 8



Cultural pedagogy


handed down through verbal language, sound language, performance and images, cultural codes generate world views and identities. Perceiving language, media, forms of visual and performing arts as well as sound art as code systems, reflecting critically on them, and using them creatively for primary school teaching succeeds on the basis of basic subject-specific and subject-didactic knowledge about aesthetic coding and decoding strategies. Encoding and decoding messages, taking into account their (cultural, historical, spatial, ecological, and medial) contexts, enables transformative learning processes in the creative engagement with the delicate balance between humans/environment or nature/culture

  • Language and media, music and art as a code system with their respective opportunities and limits
  • Metaphors, symbols, narratives in their cultural embedding and communicative function in educational contexts
  • Perception, reflection, and application of aesthetic coding and decoding strategies
  • Cultural and media pedagogical concepts for language sensitive teaching at the primary level also in the context of cultural and linguistic diversity
  • Didactic models for cooperative forms of learning, self-directed learning, project teaching, and learning scenarios with the aim of aesthetic coding and decoding

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