Erasmus Higher Education Policy Statement
The policy statement briefly describes the higher education mobility and internationalisation strategy of the University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027. The University College of Teacher Education is committed to the basic idea of the European Education Area and supports the visions and initiatives of the European Commission for the development of international and national strategies for internationalisation and the acquisition of international and intercultural key competences.
The close cooperation with partner institutions within the framework of Erasmus+ means that their strengths are combined with the strengths of the University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria and synergies are created for the benefit of all students.
The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research has set strategic and operational goals in the "Measures for Internationalisation", which are being implemented seriously and purposefully at the University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria in accordance with the specialised orientation of the institution. The aim is to optimally promote student mobility, which has risen sharply in recent years, in line with the framework conditions and to further broaden the spread of mobility among teaching and administrative staff.
As called for in the European Renewal Agenda for Higher Education, the University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria strives to realise these goals by increasing the mobility of students, teachers and administrative staff. Innovative and multidisciplinary teaching and learning concepts are created through Europe-wide contacts between teachers, students and administrative staff. Through personal contacts, the exchange of knowledge and the joint development of knowledge are facilitated and often initiated. This leads to the networking of university systems, which results in increased efficiency and innovation. Due to the focus on "inclusion" at the University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria, it stands to reason that international partnerships will be sought and cultivated in this respect in particular. Details on current projects >>
The "National Higher Education Mobility and Internationalisation Strategy 2020-2030 - Internationalisation in Many Ways" was published on 3 November 2020. It was developed by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) in cooperation with the Austrian higher education sector.
National Mobility and Internationalisation Strategy for Higher Education
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