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Course: Children practise movement at school

School practice fields – movement and sport

Admission requirements

STEOP, at least 100 ECTS-CP, "Sports motor fundamentals" entrance exam

Semester: 7

Practical pedagogical studies (PPS)


Exercise, sport and health


The aim of this course is to develop extended skills in the field of physical activity and sport. With special attention to the synthesis of scientific discipline and subject didactics with teaching practice and the individual self-competence of the students, real teaching situations are designed, tested, reflected upon, and evaluated under professional supervision. In addition, action research on specific subject didactic issues is addressed.

  • Action research on specific subject didactic issues (teaching practice)
  • Reflective planning and action in physical education (teaching practice)
  • Methodically guided discussion in the practical field of action (teaching practice)
  • Basic research attitude in physical education (teaching practice)
  • Professionalisation of reflective skills in physical education
  • Implementation of subject didactic knowledge in lesson planning
  • Action research

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