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CultureNature Literacy (CNL): Curricular key competences for shaping the future in the Anthropocene. Against future anxiety and climate concerns, the concept of CultureNature Literacy (CNL) emphasizes cultural sustainability. Because teachers want and need encouraging visions of the future, not scenarios of catastrophe.

"One day there will be...": Circular Materials Narratives for Futures in the Anthropocene. In the cocreative process of the futures workshop, primary school pupils explore the material resources in fairy tales as citizen scientists and create multimodal material stories. This results in future narratives, the analysis of which provides insights into Futures Literacy.

"Is there a future in fairy tales?" The research design of the lesson study (Mewald & Rauscher, 2019) uses the example of future fairy tales to investigate how a media concept for the primary level, which facilitates an encounter with nature through literary-aesthetic and intermedial dialogue (Sippl & Tengler, 2022), can be transferred to fairy tales and to what extent intermedial mediation promotes Futures literacy.

"Learning and Teaching the Anthropocene": The Anthropocene concept, the term for the current phase of the Earth's history in which massive human intervention in the environment becomes visible, calls for reflection on both the need and the possibility of a future-oriented reorganisation of the relationship between humans and nature and to use it for active learning processes. The Anthropocene therefore offers an important framework for transformative educational processes that enable Futures literacy.