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Course: Children participate

Fundamentals of orality

Admission requirements

STEOP, Positive initial examination on the basics of spelling and grammar

Semester: 3

Social peace


This course focuses on orality as the basis for an appropriate and appreciative culture of conversation in classroom communication in all subjects and beyond for a social life. Subject-specific and subject–didactic fundamentals of orality are taught, and special attention is paid to school learning and social action. Methodological suggestions and concrete support for the children’s individual acquisition of skills at different starting levels come to the fore as focussed support in the considerations.


- Listening, speaking, and communication as language action skills in the language of instruction and the living foreign language English
- Language reception (listening), language production (speaking), and communication as their interaction
- Conversational culture in classroom communication, rhetoric and stylistic devices
- Importance of auditory perception, auditory attention, and phonological awareness as the basis for linguistic performance
- Didactics of listening comprehension and didactic strategies for dealing with inhibiting factors in the area of speech development
- Oral communication in all facets: Stimuli for conversation, occasions for conversation, forms of conversation and intentions for conversation
- Living democracy - Class parliament, class council
- Philosophising with children as a cognitive and social development opportunity

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