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Course: Children experience movement

Fundamentals of sport pedagogical action

Admission requirements

STEOP, "Sports motor fundamentals" entrance exam

Semester: 2



Basic knowledge of anthropological, sport motor, and sport didactic areas is taught. The focus is on personal experiences and the linking of knowledge, skills, and will in order to make them useful for professional use in movement and sport-oriented fields of action.
The ecological and economic dimensions of leisure time behaviour are recognised and related to the lifeworld of the children.

  • Introduction to the sports didactic field of action using the example of "simple games"
  • Moving with and on apparatus as well as on the floor, taking into account safety-oriented aspects
  • Regulatory framework and forms of organisation
  • Anthropological foundations of movement education
  • Basic planning and mediation strategies for movement and play in heterogeneous groups
  • CLIL strategies for classroom communication in English
  • Legal foundations for the area of studies
  • Structure and aims of the curriculum
  • Fundamentals of general sport methodology and didactics according to the current state of research
  • Raising awareness of leisure behaviour, ecology, and economy

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