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Course: Children present

Movement arts

Admission requirements

STEOP, at least 100 ECTS-CP, "Sports motor fundamentals" entrance exam

Semester: 7



Exercise, sport and health


The aim of this course is to be able to design creative and artful movements in a processual way and to be able to present compositional movement actions. The awareness of self-efficacy and the perception of the material, natural, and social environment is to be strengthened in the form of aesthetic movement experiences. The expressive and performing dimension of art pieces is to be made tangible through targeted interaction processes. Performance, originality, and spontaneity as well as experience and daring are promoted as essential aspects.

  • Practical–methodical exercises on apparatus and didactics for circus-like movement activities
  • Concepts and terms of circus education
  • Experience-oriented forms of competition
  • Juggling, acrobatics, balancing
  • Partner acrobatics
  • Pedagogical justification aspects of circus arts at school
  • Springing and hurling jumping aids (mini trampoline)
  • Organisation of school festivals in a movement-oriented andcreative context

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