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Course: Children build bridges

Nature and technology in the Anthropocene

Admission requirements


Semester: 7



The future requires shared responsibility


Building and construction, the exploration of natural sciences and use in the Anthropocene are the thematic focuses of this course. The students deepen their specialist knowledge and their knowledge in the area of didactic and methodological communication of scientific relationships at primary level. In addition, scientific and historical developments, the effects of globalization and the importance of researchers and inventors are discussed in the sense of reflexive gender education and equality in the context of career and life orientation.

  • Deepening of basic knowledge in the areas of biology, chemistry and physics by examining specialist literature
  • Planning interdisciplinary teaching projects on building and construction from the perspective of ecological ethics (environmental ethics); Problem-solving processes and development of alternatives
  • Interactions between humans and their environment as well as historical perspectives on scientific and social progress: significant scientific inventions and their inventors
  • Insights into different living and professional environments as well as the development of technical and craft professions in a gender-specific context, including German and English-language literature and digital games as source material for teaching, as well as dealing with exclusion and discrimination

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