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Children grow linguistically

Analysing, using and teaching standard and educational language structures in German

Admission requirements


Semester: 1

introductory and orientation period (STEOP)


The lecture deals with the linguistic analysis, the communicatively appropriate use and the teaching of standard and educational language structures of German at school. Students learn about communicative, linguistic and argumentative standards for academic writing and teaching in schools and reflect on linguistic diversity and language change. They acquire the skills to be language role models and linguistically competent companions for their students in a multilingual and heterogeneous society.

  • Language(s) from the perspective of communication science and semiotics
  • Fundamentals and sub-areas of descriptive linguistics
  • Language history, language change and avoiding linguistic discrimination
  • Growing up in a multilingual and heterogeneous society: characteristics of German in comparison with other European and non-European languages
  • Linguistic accuracy at grammatical and orthographic level
  • Educational language and specialised language(s) as relevant language registers in schools and science
  • Text and conversational linguistics in a school and academic context
  • Language and thinking: basic principles of logic and argumentation

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