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Children try out the musical language of sound

Learning potential of musical language and comprehension islands

Admission requirements

STEOP, entrance examination "Musical Basics", children discover creative spaces - music

Semester: 5

Cultural techniques


Culture opens up worlds


Music as a special form of language has many parallels to the learning of word languages. Learning to understand and grasp the language of music by using musical patterns as islands of understanding and language has a long tradition in music education. Encountering and engaging with them takes place holistically and multidimensionally in active musical activities through "singing and making music", "dancing, moving and performing", "listening and grasping". Musical language patterns are thus brought to life and create meaningful connections between the whole of a piece of music and its parts.

  • Musical sound language as a special form of language
  • Musical islands of understanding and language as learning tools
  • Sound language and sound structure as building blocks and design tools for the diverse structures and forms of music
  • Function and effect of music for learning and teaching processes
  • Perception and expression in musical activities
  • Development, design and presentation of musical learning sequences in the context of sound-language processes

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