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Children discover the world of literatures

Literary education in a multilingual context: Reading

Admission requirements


Semester: 8

Cultural techniques


Languages connect people


Students reflect on the importance of reading socialisation in a multilingual context and the multimodal and multimedia approaches to reading. They familiarise themselves with a wide range of methodological and didactic options for teaching literature and culture. Special consideration is given to topics in children's and young adult literature such as diversity, gender, democracy and sustainability. They deepen their knowledge of literary studies and literary history. Students design theory-based, action- and production-oriented learning scenarios for literary learning and literary classroom discussions in the context of heterogeneity and multilingualism in a digitalised and globalised world. They initiate and promote a diverse and lively reading culture in the classroom and at school.

  • Knowledge of reading and media in the family and social environment according to the current state of research
  • Didactic models for literary learning in a multilingual context
  • Didactic models for activity- and production-orientated literature lessons in the context of heterogeneity and multilingualism
  • The literary classroom discussion as an inter/cultural practice, also in the living foreign language English
  • Variety of methods for individualised support in the area of reading in a multilingual context on the basis of reading diagnostics
  • Inter- and transcultural experiences in German and English in encounters with children's and young adult literature, with special consideration of the topics of diversity, gender equality, democracy and sustainability
  • Deepening basic knowledge of literary studies and literary history
  • Reading culture in schools and lessons

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