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Children with different first languages learn German as a second language

Learning German in a multilingual community

Admission requirements

STEOP, children discover the world of written language

Semester: 6

Social peace


Languages connect people


When children start school, their linguistic environment changes in a qualitatively significant way, as they deal intensively with the written form of the German language and the differences in register. In activity-orientated lessons that take into account German as a first and second language, pupils acquire child-appropriate, language-sensitive strategies that enable them to describe linguistic elements, structures and rules in their own or a new language and to relate languages to each other. Didactic and methodological models for GFL lessons are given special consideration.

  • Processes of children's first and second language acquisition (DaE, DaZ, DaF, English as a bridge language)
  • Linguistic registers and error culture in language acquisition
  • Language role models and communication opportunities as conditions for successful language development in multilingualism
  • Literacy in the first and second language
  • Models of DaZ lessons in multilingual classes
  • Language learning strategies and support models for listening, speaking, reading and writing as social and cultural practices in heterogeneous classes
  • Conceptual knowledge of inter- and transculturality in the context of diversity

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