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Children want to be professionally accompanied 3

Academic consolidation of subject-specific didactic content (subject teaching)

Admission requirements


Semester: 9



The core task of subject teaching in the learning area of nature and technology is to support pupils in experiencing themselves as part of nature and technology, exploring the world and opening up the direct and indirect environment in the sense of global responsibility and education for sustainable development (ESD). In this course, students are taught scientific and didactic specialisations in the related disciplines of biology, physics and chemistry in order to enable them to jointly explore and deal with basic questions of the relationship between humans and nature and technology.

  • Specialist scientific and didactic specialisations in the related disciplines of biology, physics and chemistry
  • Environmental education, environmental education and environmental protection (ESD)
  • Energy and technology
  • Simple biological, physical and chemical and didactic models for cooperative forms of learning and self-directed learning (observation and determination, experimentation and research); demonstration experiments, project lessons, learning scenarios with a focus on the human-nature-technology relationship
  • Linguistic and methodological-didactic tools for the implementation of content-integrative science lessons and English lessons at primary level

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