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Course: Children acquire culture and languages

Promotion in the languages of instruction in heterogeneous learning communities

Admission requirements


Semester: 6

Cultural techniques


Inclusion creates community


The heterogeneity of a learning community goes hand in hand with linguistically diverse starting points and basic skills of the children. This course, which builds on the basic knowledge of language didactics of the students, deals with resulting pedagogical, language, and speech-related tasks, in particular diagnostics of speech and language development, objectives, and support as well as special learning paths in the areas of practical life and the promotion of giftedness and talent.

  • Learning starting points: basic linguistic, motor, perceptual, and experiential skills relevant to speech and language as well as the observation and analysis of these
  • Institutional framework for the learning field language(s) of instruction: Curricula, development plans, and performance assessment, taking into account child diversity
  • Identify developmental pathways of learning: preliteral–symbolic, logographemic, alphabetic, and orthographic phases in language reception and production
  • Guidance on developmental paths of learning: Material selection, creation, and adaptation in the learning field language(s) of instruction
  • Special developmental pathways of learning I: Language education for and through practical life activities and literary education as an opening of aesthetic spaces of experience in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and composing texts
  • Special developmental pathways of learning II: Giftedness and giftedness support in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and composing texts in the first or second language and in a foreign language

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