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Children explore the world of raw materials

Technology and design: the basics of didactics

Admission requirements


Semester: 6



Culture opens up worlds


A sound knowledge of raw materials, production cycles and consumer behaviour using the example of material resources is necessary in order to be able to teach pupils at primary level how to deal with recyclable materials in the subject of technology and design. The resulting understanding of economics, ecology, social issues and culture as pillars of sustainability as well as technology assessment and product ethics makes it possible to lay the foundation for reflective action and a critical view of the man-made environment in the context of teaching at primary level.

  • Raising awareness of the journey of consumer goods (raw materials, production sites, working conditions in manufacturing countries)
  • Cultural-historical and geographical consideration of valuable materials and their socio-cultural significance
  • Didactic concepts for the primary level on sustainable, environmentally conscious and reflective behaviour and a critical and responsible approach to consumer practices
  • Interculturality as an opportunity to find identity and self-efficacy
  • Diversity of methods and media as a pool of analogue and digital implementation options at primary level for the topics of sustainability and globalisation using the example of SDGs, ESD and GCED
  • Technical and procedural knowledge on the development and production of objects from recyclable materials using appropriate material processing methods

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