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Course: Children encounter mathematics in everyday life

Promotion in the (pre-)numerical area in heterogeneous learning communities

Admission requirements


Semester: 6

Cultural techniques


Inclusion creates community


The heterogeneity of a learning community is also reflected in the prenumerical starting points and basic mathematical skills of the pupils. This course, which builds on the students' basic knowledge of mathematics didactics, deals with the resulting pedagogical, mathematics-related tasks, in particular diagnostics, objectives, and promotion as well as special learning paths in the areas of practical life and the promotion of giftedness and talent.

  • Learning starting points: linguistic, spatial, perceptual, and experiential basic skills relevant to mathematics as well as the observation and analysis of these
  • Institutional framework for the learning field of mathematics: Curricula, development plans, and performance assessment, taking into account child diversity
  • Unlocking developmental pathways of learning: prenumerical area, initial arithmetic and geometric teaching, arithmetic strategies, and the derivation of necessary intermediate steps
  • Guidance on developmental paths of learning: Material selection, creation, and adaptation in the learning field of mathematics
  • Special developmental paths of learning I: practical life action in a mathematised world
  • Special developmental pathways of learning II: Giftedness and the promotion of giftedness in the STEM field

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