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Children write right from the start

Fundamentals of literacy and written language acquisition in the learning field of German as a second language

Admission requirements

STEOP, children design texts

Semester: 6

Cultural techniques


Languages connect people


The prior written language skills of pupils with German as a second language vary when they start school or enter the Austrian school system. This course focuses on multiple literacy/multi-literacy as well as phonological information processing in the context of German as a second language. In addition, the course reflects on how writing texts and creating different types of texts can also be successful in the early stages of second language acquisition.

  • In-depth study of literacy methods and reflection on their applicability in the field of German as a second language
  • Introduction to the theory of multiple literacy/multi-literacy in the context of a heterogeneous, multilingual society
  • Familiarisation with textbooks and materials for literacy in the context of German as a second language and their evaluation
  • Development of learning scenarios for literacy and multilingualism for diversity-sensitive teaching
  • Assessment of learners' (written language) skills and counselling based on this
  • Variety of methods for the implementation of individual learning support in the area of written language acquisition in the field of German as a second language
  • Writing texts in the early stages of second language acquisition
  • Dealing with different types of texts in the context of second language acquisition

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